About Taxcon

Service with a difference.
TAXCON is a professionally managed firm comprising of experienced professionals who have varied and extensive experience in areas of business consultancy, direct & indirect taxation, regulatory matters, company law, legal services, business structuring, payroll and HR management and allied matters The team consists of distinguished corporate financial/ Regulatory advisors and tax consultants.

Employee Taxation

Advisory Services

We provide detailed advice relating to various employee tax issues which may relate to hiring of international staff etc. We advice the clients on salary structuring, drafting of employment agreements, secondment agreements etc. in the most tax efficient manner after considering the domestic tax law including the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA) between India and various countries.

Compliance Services

We assist the clients in obtaining the Permanent Account Number (PAN), computation of estimated tax liability and complying to the withholding tax provisions (which also include the deposit of the taxes withheld), assisting the expatriates to submit the tax return, representation before the tax authorities and obtaining “Income Tax Clearance Certificate” for departing expatriates.