About Taxcon

Service with a difference.
TAXCON is a professionally managed firm comprising of experienced professionals who have varied and extensive experience in areas of business consultancy, direct & indirect taxation, regulatory matters, company law, legal services, business structuring, payroll and HR management and allied matters The team consists of distinguished corporate financial/ Regulatory advisors and tax consultants.

Transfer pricing study & documentation

We provide a complete solution to our clients relating to Transfer Pricing issues. The Transfer Pricing Regulations (TP Regulations) requires that all “international transactions” between “associated enterprises” should be undertaken at an “arm’s length price” and requires that Transfer Pricing certification be obtained from accountants relating to international transactions within the Multi-National Corporations (MNCs).


In this regard, we assist the client’s in the following manner:-

(i) Evaluating the existing transfer pricing policy and the basis/ methodologies for determining prices of international transactions with associated enterprises.
(ii) Evaluating/ understanding the Import and Exports to associated enterprises, Payment of royalty/fees for technical services to associated parties; & Services from associated enterprises.
(iii) Advising adjustments that may be required to ensure that the transfer pricing policy is at tuned to India TP Regulations.
(iv) Ensuring that all relevant documents and relevant information are maintained by the Company to enable it to support its transfer pricing policy, if necessary, before the statutory authorities.

We also represent the clients before the tax officers with respect to their Transfer Pricing policies.